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NumlyEngage™ Enterprise – What’s New in the Fall 2019 Update?

By Numly - Leadership Coaching Group
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“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.” − John Quincy Adams, 6th President of the United States of America (1825 – 1829)

A very apt quote that defines what it means to be a true leader. No skill, talent, or potential can make you into a future leader unless you adopt the practice of becoming a mentor for others. As workplaces become increasingly digital, workforce dissatisfaction due to lack of communication, guidance, caring, and support is on the rise.

Digital Transformation at global companies, requires Transformative Technologies, to develop Transformational Leaders. Companies need to focus their Learning & Development investments to address Employee Engagement and Attrition challenges by leveraging new AI-enabled Platforms to tackle these tough challenges. Mentoring is the first skill that Leaders need to practice and become good at. The large-scale adoption of mentorship programs by global companies is a testament to the fact that enterprises have started recognizing and addressing the issue of employee detachment due to low morale and lack of engagement.

Following this observation, Numly has made it its mission to build the next generation of diverse, inclusive, and women leaders in the modern, global workplace, using Machine Learning and AI. Its AI-enabled, High-Potential Leadership Development Platform – NumlyEngage™ Enterprise, is built on patent-pending machine intelligence technology that helps nurture and develop the next generation of Leaders in organizations. The solution helps Women leaders, Millennials and Generation-Z professionals define their mentoring journey maps by finding their algorithm for career growth and success.

NumlyEngage™ Enterprise is now updated with new features with the aim to redefine the workplace. The latest updates will provide enterprises with granular visibility into their teams, Leadership, and other core behavioral skills across the entire company or in selected functional organizations. Let’s take a look at the new features available with the Fall 2019 Update of NumlyEngage™ Enterprise.

Global Talent Dashboards

NumlyEngage™ Enterprise offers a Global Talent Dashboard for HR Leaders, that will provide an overview of the platform usage by company employees. It gives consistent reports on the performance growth of its teams and departments. They are designed to help companies keep track of the participation record of their employees on the platform. It will provide quick access to the total number of users using the platform as well as mentors and mentees. Also, available will be the total number of new mentors and users joining the platform, on a weekly, monthly, or quarterly time period. This data can be obtained as a whole or filtered per each functional area grouping such as Engineering, Product, Sales, Marketing, etc.

Rich ML/AI Analytics

NumlyEngage™ Enterprise offers Behavioral Skill levels and in-depth analytical reports on all users within the company. HR Leaders can track the total number of mentor metrics, including the number of mentees per mentor as well as mentors per mentee analytics. Other metrics available are Mentor Rating Metrics which provide insight into the number of users working on different category skills such as Leadership, Communications, Problem Solving, and more. Organizations can also track the percentage of users that have shown improvement in various skill areas. Also available are data on the top active mentors and mentees using the platform.

16 Personality Factor (16PF) Assessments

NumlyEngage™ Enterprise also offers a 16 Personality Factor assessment, completely free of charge. The questionnaire is a highly recommended tool that helps users identify their potential and suitability while also helping to understand areas that need development. The 16PF assessments are designed specifically for use in business, and provide an accurate insight into the individual, making it an integral part of the mentoring journey. NumlyEngage™ Enterprise 16PF report will not only help the user understand the areas for his/her improvement, but it will also provide potential mentors with a deeper insight into the individual and how they assess themselves.

Based on these metrics, analytics, and self-assessment reports, NumlyEngage™ Enterprise’s inbuilt AI-nudges will guide the users towards goals set for them by aligning the Leadership Development programs to the key skills that matter.

NumlyEngage™ Enterprise’s machine learning models are designed to help companies nurture the next generation of leaders by improving their perception of their strengths and weaknesses. The platform will help companies create a positive workplace, reduce ‘Brain Drain’ and improve collaboration within teams and company mentors by boosting their interactions with others at work.

NumlyEngage™ Enterprise is a solution that tackles the need of the hour for companies; to create caring and nurturing workplaces. Using the power and AI and Machine Learning, NumlyEngage™ Enterprise will challenge problems like poor employee engagement, low trust, and lack of support for career growth. Connect with us today and let the NumlyEngage™ Enterprise transform your Enterprise Mentoring Programs. Sign up to take a free trial.

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