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Numly™ Reveals Its Very Own AI-powered Bobot™ (chatbot) for NumlyEngage™ Platform

By Numly - Leadership Coaching Group
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Keeping customers engaged when they visit a website, platform or tool is one of the biggest challenges for companies. With the trends shifting towards “AI” and the “Internet of Things (IoT)”, the humanization of the digitalized world is becoming more accepted. Chatbots are now commonly used in order to facilitate and smoothen the interactions between machines and humans.

Today, with the growth of sophisticated AI/ML technologies, chatbots are becoming more and more capable of human interactions. Their ever-growing popularity is proof that they make life easier for everybody.

Numly™ offers an AI-enabled, employee coaching and engagement skill development solution for enterprises. Its AI-enhanced platform, NumlyEngageTM, enables coaching as an extension of eLearning, making it possible for organizations to tap into employees’ hard and soft skills and enable them to coach each other in a structured manner, while leveraging third-party learning content, external expert coaches and built-in coaching programs tailored for all corporate functional groups such as Sales, Customer Success, and R&D/Engineering.

NumlyEngage’s in-built algorithm helps define internal Jedi-coach pairings, wherein the Coach helps the Jedi to master the necessary skills, under various pre-packaged coaching programs.

Numly Inc. has developed its own chatbot a.k.a. BobotTM which is armed with a powerful AL/ML backend to guide the users on how to navigate through the NumlyEngage platform. The self-learning chatbot will guide users when they sign up for coaching programs by pushing them to undertake coaching interactions, view learning videos and undertake surveys.

BobotTM has been specifically designed to facilitate ease of use of the platform and using its resources efficiently, ensuring a hassle-free experience all the way for users.

It has some very interesting features –

Product Navigation:

  • BobotTM will help the user navigate through the platfrom, customized to his/her access as a Jedi, Coach, Manager, or a Program Admin.
  • The chatbot will suggest the steps that the user should undertake once they initially login and with the help of pattern recognition, it will learn what each user needs as they progress and accordingly suggest the next steps in their journey fo engagement and skill development.

Catering to User Requests:

  • If they user asks, “How do I get promoted?”, Bobot will pull the current designation of the user and the designation that he desires into account to suggest the next steps.
  • The chatbot will pull the “16 Personality Factor” report of the user to determine his/her strengths and weaknesses. It will cross reference it with the skills needed to reach his/her desired designation and voila, the relevant skills to be worked upon to get promoted are sent to the user. The user can then use the platform’s database of questions, mapped to the defined skills, to start interacting with their chosen coaches.


  • As the user undertakes a coaching program, Bobot will guide him/her through each step of the process in an orderly manner.
  • Whatever task the user chooses, it will guide him/her in real-time, ensuring the best and the most efficient utilization of the user’s time


  • Bobot will facilitate interactions on the platform by sending notifications to the user to push for the follow up steps. For example, if the Jedi has completed his/her task on a skill but has not received a feedback from his/her Coach, the Bobot will guide the Jedi with the following notification – “”Hey! Seems like your coach has been busy. Why don’t you send a follow up request?”
  • Let us say the Coach has been busy and missed out on sending the feedback to his/her Jedi, the Bobot will wait for a specific period and then automatically remind the Coach with the following message – “Hey there! Seems like you missed a feedback request from Mr. A, your Jedi. Please send your valuable feedback to him so that he can proceed in his learnings.”

The Bobot has been developed with the objective to guide the users on their coaching journey on the NumlyEngage platfrom and to facilitate an efficient user experience tailored for each user with the aid of powerful AI/ML technologies. Its self-learning model will keep learning and improving, thus creating a hassle-free experience.

There are several more attractive upcoming features for Bobot. Contact us!

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