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Let’s Understand the Various Coaching Styles

By Numly - Leadership Coaching Group
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Organizations are becoming stuck in ever-tighter cycles that demand better and fresher ideologies in order to support the workforce and its evolving challenges. Whether it’s “The Great Resignation,” “Quiet Quitting,” or “Layoffs,” today’s leaders must be better equipped to handle changes in the future. It’s interesting to note, though, that just as no two strategies can be identical, neither can every coaching nor leadership approach be the best for a given organization.

Workplace groups require various forms of coaching, which can range in tone and ideology and produce diverse outcomes. Here are eight popular coaching or leadership philosophies that are widely used and perform remarkably well for the overall development of both the workplace and the workforce. Let’s take a look.


The “one person says it all” ideology is the foundation of the autocratic coaching style. In this coaching or leadership style, one person sets the tone for the group, makes decisions about both small and large aspects of the work, and isn’t particularly looking for any input from others. This kind of coaching approach is perfect for rigid work environments where no significant changes are required, such as a manufacturing facility, a team that is being coached, or a military base.

This coaching approach can result in incredible coordination, but it can also result in a lack of team engagement and motivation if used incorrectly. It is perfect for larger groups, especially newcomers or interns who have no prior experience with the procedure.


The Laissez-faire coaching style, developed by Kurt Lewin in the late 1930s, is a potent method of team leadership because it takes a more humanistic approach. A wonderful synergy and exchange between the leader and the employee occur in this type of leadership. The objectives and methods for achieving them are laid out in advance, and after that, each person is free to approach the task in their own way while still bearing full responsibility for their decisions. In the interim, they are welcome to return to the leader for additional direction if necessary.

Due to the minimal interference and comprehensive support provided by this “zero leadership” type of coaching, it is deemed very effective and produces excellent results. Employees gain confidence in their ability to make decisions with this leadership style, which improves their decision-making skills. Other outcomes of this coaching approach include enhanced team development and the growth of trust.


This method of coaching aims to provide better clarity and an understanding of the “why” behind the smaller pieces of work by presenting the bigger picture. Through a series of small victories, a visionary coaching approach makes it simple to inspire the entire workforce to put forth their best efforts in achieving the goals that have already been set. When the team is at a standstill or a barrier appears, the leader personally steps in to help the team move forward.

When there are deadlines or the work is too demanding, a visionary coaching approach works incredibly well. Getting the whole team together is a great way to get quick results, and if the bigger picture is put in front of them, it can even generate great ideas leading to better outcomes.


The holistic coaching approach is based on the belief that an employee has mental, physical, and emotional needs and such needs need to pay attention to. Leaders who excel in emotional intelligence and have a thorough understanding of the various dynamics that affect an employee in the workplace can use a holistic coaching approach. In order to provide better coaching without offending anyone, it is also important to consider other factors, such as upbringing, cultural values, and social norms. By assisting the individual with self-reflection exercises and learnings, coaches adopting this style help the person become a better person overall.

A person can experience amazing, elusive, and long-lasting changes as a result of this type of leadership coaching. Self-awareness, a higher emotional IQ, and increased productivity are some of the qualities that can be unlocked at work using this type of coaching.


In today’s workplaces, developmental coaching might be the solution executives and leaders are looking for. In this coaching approach, the coach seeks to recognize the individual’s potential and works to develop that ability through learning experiences that promote overall professional development. When employees have settled into their comfort zones and are unable to advance at a desired rate, this coaching style is a great way to handle it. With the coach’s unwavering support, this extra push enables them to break through the plateau and reach a higher height.

This coaching approach is excellent for creating a culture of learning within an organization and rekindling a person’s lost drive to improve and reach new apexes. It not only improves the current situation but also broadens people’s horizons on a much larger scale.


This coaching approach is effective at reducing anxiety in today’s world of demanding workplaces. The goal of mindfulness coaching is to help us manage our emotions at work, whether that means handling difficult situations with emotional intelligence or reacting calmly in triggering situations. This coaching approach has the potential to be an excellent means of lowering workplace anxiety, stress, and burnout. This approach’s fundamental principle is to live in the present and avoid identifying with any temporary situations of conflict and turmoil.

In addition to helping people find peace of mind, mindful coaching can enhance decision-making skills and help people cope more easily with stressful situations. This directly boosts productivity and offers tremendous clarity in challenging circumstances, fostering critical thinking skills – all because of the phycological safety they feel at the workplace.

Do you want to make your leaders understand the importance of the right coaching and leadership ideologies? We have constructed NumlyEngage, a 60-day pilot program that is ideal for organizations, looking forward to improving their leadership and core values. 

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